Some Recommendations On How Long Should On-Hold Messages Be!


Some Recommendations On How Long Should On-Hold Messages Be!

Putting customers on hold is a necessary part of business. At On-Hold Marketing, we know the message that plays over your phone’s hold line can be the difference between a customer hanging up, or waiting a little longer. So it’s important to make sure that you give your customers an on hold experience that will keep them calling back.

To create a great On-Hold message, one aspect that should be considered is length. A message that is too short can be frustrating for callers, who will have to listen to the same music and information on repeat if they are waiting for longer than expected. A message that is too long, and filled with too much information, can be overwhelming. Here are a few recommendations from the scriptwriters at On-Hold Marketing about message length to keep in mind when creating your message.

Some Recommendations On How Long Should On-Hold Messages Be!Know Your Needs!

Your On-Hold message should be as long as you need it, and the best way to find out the length for you is to know the needs of your business and your customers. Do you know how long your customers wait on hold on average? Are you experiencing a busy season where you are getting more calls than normal? Knowing this information will help you create a message perfectly curated to the needs of both your business, and your customers.

Once you know this, you can consider what you want your message to say. Sticking with the basics is the best bet, especially for a shorter message. You want to be able to feature your company as well as share your location and business hours, special promotions, and your social media presence.

Some Recommendations On How Long Should On-Hold Messages Be!Smarter is Better than Longer

Having a longer On-Hold message doesn’t necessarily mean you need more information to share. In fact, having too much content in your message can have consequences. The caller might not process everything they are listening to when too much info is shared without a break.The best On-Hold messages are crafted with a balance of information and music. Music provides a necessary break and gives callers time to process what they just heard. Some businesses also benefit from longer musical breaks in their messages.

If it isn’t possible to condense all of your information into a few sentences, a longer musical break provides more time for the customer to take it all in.

Keep your information to the point with paragraphs about a singular topic, such as a special promotion, and only make them four to five sentences long. Add some music, and you’ll have a hold line message that keeps the customer engaged until you can take their call.

We’re Here to Help!

On-Hold Marketing has the knowledge and experience to make the perfect hold line message for your business. Our professional scriptwriters will work with you to create a script that has the right amount of information and music to keep your callers engaged. And if you’re not sure of the right words to use, don’t worry, we’re here to help! You might be interested in our scriptwriting article for more information on what we can do for you.

Let us help you create the perfect On-Hold experience for both you and your customers. Get started today by giving us a call at 1-888-466-4653, or contact us today!


“We must use time as a tool, not as a couch.” – John F. Kennedy


“Recommendations On How Long Should On-Hold Messages Be!”-Copyright 2023- On-Hold Marketing Inc.

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