On-Hold Messaging A Great On-Hold Message Saves Time and Money! A Great On-Hold Message Saves Time and Money! If you’ve been in the business for years, it can be easy to get stuck with old habits. We all know that a quality customer service …
Auto-AttendantsOn-Hold Messaging More On-Hold Music or Less…the pros and cons of music Music or no music? This is a frequently asked question when it comes to programming your phone system. And the answer is not straight forward. There are a number of factors to consider. On the …
On-Hold MessagingScriptwriting Using On-Hold Marketing to Promote Your Website Using On-Hold Marketing to Promote Your Website In today’s competitive online market, you need to do all you can to bring traffic to your website. Have you ever thought of doing this by using …
Sales & Marketing What is Informative Phone Audio? Informative phone audio is simply harnessing the capabilities of your phone system to communicate helpful information to callers. In other words, enhance customer service by creating messaging that automatically answers callers’ most frequently asked questions. …
Solutions Stand Out With Custom Business Audio Solutions! Every time a customer interacts with your business, it leaves a lasting impression. Each interaction shapes their opinions and influences their future actions in using your products and/or services. One interaction that has a major …
On-Hold Messaging Updating Your On-Hold Message for the Awakening Economy The world is poised to experience the strongest growth in more than a decade as businesses significantly ramp up overall production to meet the global demand in our awakening economy. Advertising wisely is more important …
On-Hold Messaging Why Fresh On-Hold Messages Are So Important! Keeping your hold messages up-to-date is more important than ever. The pandemic has disrupted business as we know it. Lockdowns have paralyzed global economies. Unpredictable closed, open and closed again mandates have made marketing plans …
Auto-AttendantsOn-Hold MessagingSales & Marketing Professional recordings on your phone are a valuable sales tool! Customers are looking to do business with people they know, like, and trust. And of course, a key factor in building loyal customers is excellent customer service. Have you considered the impact your phone …
Auto-AttendantsOn-Hold Messaging Spring sales strategies for your hold line ! With spring in the air, your marketing team has likely sprinkled your sales strategies with fresh promotions in an effort to reap the full benefits of the season. Make sure they did not overlook one …
Auto-AttendantsOn-Hold Messaging Important Phone Features That Can Help Medical Offices With social distancing requirements leaving offices short staffed, it goes without saying that medical offices can use all the help they can get. And that’s where On-Hold Marketing can offer some expertise. Why not put …
On-Hold MessagingSales & Marketing On-Hold Helps with Creative Business Communication We’d all love to go back to “business as usual”. But the reality is that in unusual times we have to come up with unusual marketing ideas, including creative business communication. Regardless of how your …
Auto-AttendantsScriptwriting How to Create a Perfect Customised Phone Menu ! The easiest way to create a perfect customized phone menu that leaves a positive impression of your business is to contact On-Hold Marketing! Calling your business phone number could be the first glimpse your …