A current, professional on-hold message will leave callers with a positive impression, one of the key points in making your business more effective. I can’t stress this enough. It is crucial to have up-to-date information at all times for your callers; after all, they keep your business up and running daily. The right On-Hold message can make all the difference for that ONE big sale or new loyal customer, or having the pleasure of them coming in to visit your facility. They have nothing else to do while on-hold but listen … listen to any and all information you provide them. Even the smallest detail about your promotions, new staff, new products and prices will connect them to you and keep them holding until you get back to them.
BUT… let us help you make sure it’s up-to-date! Just imagine calling into a dealership, salon or restaurant…then being put on hold to listen to all the amazing, exciting sales, deals and/or offers only to find out they are outdated…over…GONE……..What a way to let your callers down.
Reminders to update your message are regularly sent to you by On-Hold and if you have a subscription, the update is included! So why not take a moment to respond – it really is a matter of a quick 5-minute review with your scriptwriter. It’s just one more way we help your company sound professional.
Of course, it’s also extremely important to accompany your message with the RIGHT type of music ( but not the 10-second repetitive default music on your phone system, which is definitely not effective). Yes, that’s right. Music is key to setting the tone of your business. You can energize callers contacting your gym…create a calming atmosphere for your spa…have them tapping their toes while waiting to be connected to service.
Music is so prevalent in our lives that many people don’t consider the impact of the right music; in fact, you can make all the difference to your caller’s mood and uplift them more than you realize. The last thing you want is some slow-paced tune while you are calling into a fast-paced, exciting restaurant! It can make them look elsewhere for reservations very quickly!!! You know your business; you know your callers and what sparks their interest; make sure your on-hold message reflects your image to make it all the more effective! And, remember your copywriter is your best friend when it comes to music suggestions!
“The more up-to-date the information, the more valuable it is.” – Katie Jacobs Stanton