Five On-Hold Message Resolutions for 2024 !
With the 2023 Christmas season over, its time to take the Jingle Bells and holiday hours off your hold line and update your phone messaging with fresh information for 2024! The great thing about the start of a New Year is creating new resolutions and positive plans for the months ahead, and as always, change is good. This is true for your phone marketing plans as well, and having a solid plan for changing things up for your 2024 on-hold message and greetings is a must! Here are Five On-Hold message resolutions for 2024 that will get your professional business audio off on the right foot.
1. Different Music Means Different Feelings!
Each paragraph in an on-hold message addresses a different topic, so feel free to mix it up! Just as the announcer would voice different topics with different inflection and emotional tone, your music should be following the same pattern. Do not hesitate to choose different music to help reflect the message you are trying to get across. Confident strong music backing a paragraph about your strong foundation and years of experience you offer, as well as some dynamic music to reinforce the announcer conveying how you hit deadlines and deliver same day, help drive your message home. Visit our Samples page to find the right music to help reinforce everything you are trying to say.
2. Add an Audio Google Review!
Now more than ever, savvy consumers are checking Google reviews to make informed and educated purchases or deciding to take the leap into any business service. Take that positive review and add it into your production using a different voice. This audio testimonial will catch the ear of the caller, as well be the voice of confidence in what you have to offer them!
3. Talk UP Your Employees!
The combined experience and talent of your staff is perhaps your strongest commodity. If your team specializes in certain areas, have won awards, attained above and beyond certifications, are the best in their field, or provide the best service in your industry, your callers and potential clients need to hear about it. Make it a priority to mention how your outstanding personnel makes you stand out!
4. How Did Your Product/Services Succeed For Your Clients?
Providing examples how your early service desk, huge parts warehouse, mobile repair and maintenance vehicle, or emergency 24/7 contact number helped your clients in a crunch, speaks volumes to potential customers. It’s important to mention specific scenarios where your business and services came through for a client when they needed it most, because every good consumer always will investigate and consider the “what ifs”. Provide peace of mind to customers by addressing the “what ifs” that might be on their mind head on!
5. Paint an Audio Picture!
Using multiple voices, sound effects or combining the two to create a dialogue will inform and keep an on-hold callers attention as well. You have a captive audience so why not present your information creatively, using characters and settings that would be familiar to them, not only informing callers but entertaining them as well. Only 4% of all ads are retained positively, by using many colours in the audio palate, you can put your message in that percentile.
Of course, you are never on your own when it comes to new and fresh ideas for your phone messaging. Our professional writers are here to help you create the perfect script to start 2024 with new fresh ideas and quality messages tailored to your needs. Contact us today and we will work with you to implement the 5 On-Hold message resolutions for 2024 and many more ideas for messages that really work for you and your business.
“Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.” ― Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister